In the United States, between consumers and retail (restaurants and stores), 31% of the food supply is wasted every year. This is equal to 133 billion pounds and nearly $162 billion worth of food (according to the USDA). While some of this is due to food spoiling, a lot is because of restaurants and grocery stores over-ordering or misuse while cooking. View Post
Many people associate being eco-friendly with spending more money. While some eco-friendly products are more expensive than their traditional counterparts, being eco-friendly as a whole will save you money. We'll tell you how.View Post
Becoming an eco-friendly restaurant can seem daunting, expensive, and overwhelming. It doesn't have to be! Becoming a more environmentally friendly restaurant means making simple swaps to more eco-friendly alternatives. Here are 10 simple swaps to make your restaurant more eco-friendly.View Post
Water waste is an issue for the environment and your wallet. It may seem like a small drip or some excess running water doesn't matter, but these instances add up to be much worse. Keep reading to learn how to reduce water usage in your restaurant.View Post
Fish are a great source of protein, Omega-3 fatty acid, and a lot of other important nutrients. The growing demand for fresh fish has created a need for aquaculture or fish farms. While wild-caught fish is still a major source of fresh fish, farm-raised fish comprise more than 50% of all fish produced for human consumption. What's the difference between farm-raised and wild-caught fish? Keep reading to find out!View Post
There are a lot of factors to being eco-friendly: reducing plastic use, recycling what you can, and reusing/repurposing anything else. In the holiday season, it's harder to live eco-friendly. We have some great tips for being eco-friendly while decorating for the holidays.