It can be tricky to find local produce when you don't know what's in season. Using produce that's in season is a great way you can help the environment and support local farms. It's better for the environment and local farms to buy what's in season. Here's a comprehensive list of what's in season so you can buy the right produce.View Post
Food waste is a major issue for restaurants. Eliminating it will save you money and help the environment. Utilizing overripe produce is a simple and effective way to reduce food waste!View Post
The European Parliament voted to ban all single-use plastics by 2021. Now that take-out and delivery has become the main way people enjoy restaurants, the food-service industry relies heavily on single-use plastic. The EU banned single-use plastic. If you can't use single-use plastic, how can you serve your customers? We have a few solutions for you!View Post
Being an eco-friendly business is great for two reasons: you're being kind to the earth and you'll promote new business and customer loyalty. If your customers aren't aware that you're an eco-friendly business, the second reason won't be true for you. How can you market your eco-friendliness? Here are three ways!
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21.5% of the population of the United States is between the ages of 20 and 34. This age group, a near-equal mixture of Gen-Z and Millennials, responds to media and marketing differently than their predecessors. They aren't looking for the best prices, they're looking for the most ethical business.
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Plastic is a big part of the restaurant industry. With takeout and delivery being a major way people enjoy local restaurants, it can be incredibly difficult to find easily disposable items that are also cost-effective. We have many options for plastic alternatives but, for those times when you need to use plastic, here's how you can safely recycle it.View Post