Proper Hand-Washing Regulations for Restaurants
Hand-washing is an integral part of food safety. Posting specific regulations for hand-washing in your restaurant is a great way to prevent dangerous cooking conditions. Here are a 3 tips for proper hand-washing regulations in your restaurant.
1. Provide Dedicated Hand-Washing Sinks
A proper hand-washing sink is one that:
- Gets hot enough to best clean hands (at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Is in a convenient and easily-reachable place
- Is designated for hand-washing
- Is equipped with hand soap and hand-drying materials
- Has touchless faucets
- Has a proper hand-washing sign
2. Hang How-to Signs
Signs that tell your employees the exact steps for washing their hands are the best way to prevent food contamination. Hand-washing is a simple act, but it needs to be done right. Signs are the best way to make sure your employees are properly washing their hands.
3. Train Your Employees
Just as you train your employees to greet customers and prepare food, you need to train your employees to properly wash their hands. Regularly training your employees on the proper procedure for washing their hands is the best way to keep your restaurant safe.
Hand-washing is a major part of the food-service industry. It's an important part of food preparation. With proper hand-washing regulations, you can prevent dangerous conditions in your restaurant.