Eco Friendly Supplies Blog


  • 5 Reasons Your Restaurant Needs a Website

    Restaurants have gone through a whirlwind this past year and one thing that's taught all of us is that every restaurant needs a website. Even if you don't have in-house delivery, your website will still bring in a lot of traffic. If you're on the fence about getting a website for your restaurant, here are 5 reasons your restaurant needs a website.

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  • How to Reduce Turnover in Your Restaurant

    Hourly jobs, especially in the restaurant industry frequently cause burn-out. The high-stress environment coupled with the lower pay can be grueling. You can change that! By actively avoiding turnover through treating your employees well, you'll take that extra layer of stress from their shoulders and foster a friendly work-environment. View Post
  • How to Get the Best Applicants for Your Restaurant

    Hiring good employees is a big part of having a successful restaurant. Your employees are your biggest asset. They make or break your business. Having a good system for finding and hiring employees will save you a lot of time in the future. It'll decrease turnover and increase employee satisfaction.

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  • 7 Tips for Improving Your Restaurant Management

    Owning and managing a restaurant can be both stressful and rewarding. If done right, you can foster positive experiences for you and your staff. Managing a restaurant well isn't as complicated as you may think. Here's a simple guide to help you! View Post