Eco Friendly Supplies Blog

Small Business

  • The Rising Popularity of Being Eco-Friendly (and Why You Should Care)

    With the popularization of social media and the readily available stream of information within the last twenty years, being eco-friendly has gone from a radical movement to a commonly held stance. The rise of environmentalism has made way for many major cities and counties to ban plastic straws and other single-use plastics. This legislature was met with excitement from the environmental community. Why is it that being eco-friendly has become so popular? Keep reading to find out. View Post
  • One Easy Step You Can Take to Reduce Food Waste

    In the United States, 40% of the food that's grown, harvested, and transported is never consumed. Some of this is due to spoiling, but the majority is good food going to waste for no reason. In restaurants, it can be very difficult to both see your food waste and reduce it. One easy step you can take to reduce food waste is to reuse ingredients for different meals. View Post
  • How to Compost in Your Restaurant

    In the US, we waste upwards of 40% of our food supply (according to the FDA). In restaurants, up to 10% of food is wasted before it reaches the customer. Some food waste can be eliminated with better planning and training but there's no way to eliminate it completely. So, what can you do with the food waste you can't get rid of? Compost it! View Post
  • A Restaurant's Guide to Avoiding COVID-19 While Being Eco-Friendly

    Between health department regulations and the Coronavirus Pandemic, keeping your restaurant clean, sanitary, and safe can be a daunting task. Staying sanitary while being eco-friendly is another massive and daunting activity. If you're running an environmentally-friendly business, we have a helpful guide to avoiding COVID-19 while being eco-friendly just for you! View Post
  • 7 Ways to Promote Business During the COVID-19 Epidemic

    Seven Ways to Promote Business During the COVID-19 Epidemic COVID-19 or Coronavirus has been at the forefront of our minds since WHO classified it as an outbreak on March 11. Schools have been moved online, we've been counseled to socially distance ourselves, and people are working from home. Som... View Post
  • 3 Ways You Can Have the Best Customer Service

    Customer service is incredibly important for any business. Having good customer service promotes customer loyalty. If your customer feels heard and understood, they'll be more willing to stay with your business. This gives you a big advantage against your competitors. Having the best customer service takes more effort on your part but it's worth it for the customer loyalty you'll gain. View Post